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The business concept involves smoking and selling fish. The foundation of this business plan is the smoking of 208 batches of fish per month, or 2,496 batches of fish yearly. The potential revenue is predicted to be US$ 809 each month, or US$ 9,709 per year. The project's first month of operation will cost US$4,911.

Production Process

Clean, fresh fish is let out to dry in the sun for a while. In the oven for smoking, it is then placed on a wire mesh and covered with banana leaves. Fish is turned over after some time has passed so that both sides can dry. After that, the fish is taken out of the oven or kiln and allowed to cool before being packaged for delivery.

Market Analysis

A tasty food is smoked fish. It is practically consumed throughout in Asia and Africa. Supermarkets, educational institutions, the military, general markets, and private consumers can all receive smoked fish.



Production costs assumed are for 312 days per year with a daily capacity of 8 batches.

Depreciation assumes 4 years life of assets written off at 25% and charged only on delivery van.

Direct costs include: Materials, supplies and other costs that directly go into production.


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