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This venture will be used to raise pigs. If one is to profit from the company idea, it requires strategy, coordination, and at the very least, care. The plan calls for the annual production and sale of 1,000 animals. The potential income is thought to be $35,100 annually. The project will require a capital commitment of $500.


Production capacity

The envisaged project is aimed at selling 360 pigs annually. The idea assumes a 6 month production cycle. i.e. pigs are sold after 6 month.

Technology and processes description

Technology is required for the piglets' shelter, food, water, feeding troughs, and medication. Purchasing piglets, providing them with a high-quality diet, cleaning the enclosure and removing all waste, and keeping an eye on the animals' health are all steps in the process of raising pigs. Feed the pigs till they weigh at least 80 kg and can be sold. Pigs can breed, so you don't need to purchase additional piglets.

Market Analysis

Pork is on high demand throughout the Country. They can also be exported to neighboring Countries.




Production is assumed for 365 days per year.

Depreciation assumes 2 year life of assets written off at 50% per year for all assets.


Source of Supply of Equipment and Piglets

Tools, Piglets and Feeds are all over.



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