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The objective is to establish a wood seasoning facility. The foundation of this business plan is the manufacturing of 59,800 seasoned woods every month, or 717,600 goods annually. The potential revenue is anticipated at US$ 56,087 per month, or US$ 673,044 annually. The project's price tag is US$183,888.

 Production Process

Air seasoning and kiln seasoning are the two processes used to season wood. However, one may use the subsequent actions; Cut the pole or wood to the required length, Avoid placing the wood straight on the ground or against a wall while stacking it. Ensure that there is room between your stack and a wall to allow for airflow, Make sure the top of the wood is covered to prevent rain from soaking it, but leave the ends of the stack exposed to let air flow and moisture escape.

Market Analysis

The seasoned wood is used by various Companies as well as private individuals for making furniture, sleepers, interior furnishings.


Sources of Raw materials and Equipment

The Chemicals and Tools required can be obtained from the local market. Some of the above tools and equipment’s can be fabricated locally

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