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Rice hulling and selling is the focus of this company concept. The processing rate assumed is 7,200 Kg per day, or 187,200 Kg per month. The potential revenue is projected at US$ 93,600 per month, or US$ 1,123,200 year. 13,550 USD is the projected total investment.


Process Dried and cleaned paddy is dehusked by aspiration, and the dehusked brown rice is got. The brown rice is placed in a polisher where the polished rice and bran are separated. After sieving the polished rice, the broken rice is separated. The sieved rice is packed in bags for dispatch


Market Analysis

Locally produced rice would need massive marketing. Competition faced would be from imported varieties although with the relevant institutional and government support, this can be overcome. Supply to supermarket chains, retailers, wholesalers 


Production costs assumed are for 312 days per year with a daily capacity of 7,200 kgms per day.

Depreciation (fixed assets write off) assumes 4 years life of assets written off at 25% per year for all assets.

Direct costs include: materials, supplies and other costs that directly go into production of the products.

Source of Supply of Raw Materials and Equipment

Equipment can be supplied locally and purchased from local dealers in your particular country.

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