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This business idea is for production and marketing of Palm leaves mats. Mats are popular both in private homes. Mats are widely used among all sections of the society. Thus mat making is a good investment that can easily be taken up by women. The production capacity per day is estimated at 30 Mats and the revenue is estimated at US$23,400 per year.

Production process

Mat making involves collecting palm leaves, drying it in proffered colors and finally weaving the palm leaves into different kinds of Mats. They can be made with threads, which are dried and sewed with a needle.

Market Analysis

Mats are ideal for use in aisles of homes parties and mosques


Capital Investment Requirements in US$ ***



1 Production costs assumed 312 days per year with a daily capacity of 30 mats

2 Depreciation (fixed assets write off) assumes 4 years life of assets written off at 25% per year for all assets

3 Direct costs include materials, supplies and other costs that directly go into production of the product.


Project product Costs and Price ***

Structure Profitability Analysis***

Sources of Supply of Raw materials and Equipment

Equipment and Raw materials can be sourced locally.


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