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The business idea is for the production and marketing of ice candies. Ice Candy is one of the usual summer treats of the Pinoys, especially the kids. It is made out of frozen juice or shaked fruits in little ice bags where one would have to nibble at the end of the plastic to sip or bite the ice candy.This frozen delight doesn't only keep one cool during summer days, but it can easily transport him/her back to childhood in just one sip of its chilled sweetness. The total investment is estimated at US$ 662,014 with production capacity of 15,000 ice candies per day. The total revenue is estimated at a cost of US$ 702,000per year.

Production process

To make an ice candy, one needs to have ice candy bags, funnel and fresh fruits or juices, depending on the Ice Candy flavor you wish to make. The required quantity of water is taken into the container.

Colours, fresh fruits and juices are mixed thoroughly and filled in candy blocks. Bamboo sticks are inserted into candy holes and placed in a freezer for solidification. After cooling, they are removed and placed in a cold chamber.

Market Analysis

Ice candy is consumed by all sections of society particularly children. The market for ice candy is good especially primary schools. There are a few participants in this business who are operating informally.


Capital investment in US$ ***

Production and operating costs in US $ ***


1 Production costs assumed 312 days per year with a daily capacity of 15000 packets of ice candies

2 Depreciation (fixed assets write off) assumes 4 years life of assets written off at 25% per year for all assets

3 Direct costs include materials, supplies and other costs that directly go into production of the product

Sources of Supply of Raw materials and Equipment

Raw materials and Equipment can be purchased from the local market


For more of the missing business plan please communicate with us:


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