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Zinc plating production and marketing are the focus of this business concept. It serves as ornamentation and corrosion protection for metal instruments. The business plan is based on the assumption that 2,600 packs of zinc plating will be produced each month, or 31,200 packs year. The potential revenue is anticipated at US$ 26,000, or US$ 312,000 annually. The project's cost is 188,710 USD.

Production Process

The solution is ready for zinc plating using the alkaline electrolytic technique after adding the zinc metal, sodium cyanide, and sodium hydroxide in the appropriate ratios of 1:2:3. Before applying zinc plating, the items are cleaned using the electrolytic cleaning procedure.

Market Analysis

To prevent the rusting of metallic things, zinc is widely utilized in the automotive and electronic industries. It is heavily used by manufacturing industries, particularly the iron and steel sector with fabrications

Production assumed 21 days in a month with a capacity of 38,000 eggs per press Depreciation (fixed assets write off) assumes 4 years life of assets write off of 25% per year

Direct costs include materials, supplies and other costs that directly go into production of the product

Source of Supply of Raw Materials and Equipment

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