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BOOK REVIEW: Exploring Entrepreneurship Third Edition

Exploring Entrepreneurship Third Edition
by Richard Blundel, Nigel Lockett, Catherine Wang, and Suzanne Mawson is a comprehensive and well-written textbook on entrepreneurship. It is suitable for students at all levels, from undergraduate to postgraduate.

The book is divided into two parts. Part 1 covers the practical activities involved in new entrepreneurial ventures, while Part 2 explores entrepreneurship from different perspectives.

Part 1 is particularly useful for students who are planning to start their own businesses. It covers topics such as:

  • Developing entrepreneurial ideas
  • Creating a business plan
  • Raising finance
  • Marketing and selling products or services
  • Managing a business

Part 2 of the book is more theoretical, but it is still very useful for students who want to understand entrepreneurship in more depth. It covers topics such as:

  • The different types of entrepreneurs and entrepreneurial ventures
  • The entrepreneurial process
  • The entrepreneurial environment
  • The challenges and rewards of entrepreneurship

The book is well-written and easy to read. It is packed with examples and case studies from the real world. It also includes a number of useful exercises and activities to help students learn and apply the concepts covered in the book.

Overall, Exploring Entrepreneurship Third Edition is an excellent textbook on entrepreneurship. It is comprehensive, well-written, and practical. I highly recommend it to students who are interested in learning more about entrepreneurship.

Here are some additional thoughts on the book:

  • The book is very up-to-date and covers all of the latest trends and developments in entrepreneurship.
  • The book is very international in scope and includes examples from a wide range of countries.
  • The book is very well-organized and easy to navigate.
  • The book includes a number of helpful resources, such as a glossary of key terms, a list of further reading, and a website with additional resources.

If you are looking for a comprehensive and well-written textbook on entrepreneurship, I highly recommend Exploring Entrepreneurship Third Edition.


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