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This business concept involves raising local hens for egg production. A hen is a domestic chicken that is raised for its eggs or meat. An egg is a round cell laid by females of several animals, including birds. This company idea is viable since you can obtain eggs, meat, hatch more chicks, and sell any extra. This business plan promises to produce 162,000 trays of eggs and 1,350 off layers every year. The annual revenue potential is predicted to be US $ 18,520. The project's initial capital commitment is $865 USD. The first three months require a significant investment, but no rewards are realized. This concept necessitates a great deal of patience.

Processes explanation
Chicks are housed in a brooder for two months, during which time they are vaccinated and given chick mash. They are then transferred to the main shelter and fed growers mash for three months. Cocks are subsequently introduced to assist in the fertilization of the eggs. Reduce the noise, feed them greens, and make sure there is enough water, and the chickens will lay eggs.

Market Research
Local eggs are in high demand and command a premium on the market. Supermarkets, wholesale and retail stores, and institutions can all get eggs.



Production is assumed for 365 days per year.
Depreciation assumes 2 year life of assets written off at 50% per year for all


make a move this 2024 and succeed 

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