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This is a business idea for sericulture. Sericulture is the practice of breeding silkworms for silk. Sericulture is a substantial source of revenue in rural communities, based on the growing of cocoons. The method envisions silk production using a disease-resistant, high-yielding strain of mulberry silkworm. The business plan envisions producing 31,200 silk yarns per year. The annual revenue potential is anticipated to be US $ 93,600. The project's total capital investment cost is $14,277 USD.

Production Capacity
The envisaged project is production of 31,200 yarns of silk annually. 

Description of Technology and Processes
The technology required is listed in the table below for fixed capital investment requirements. Silk worms and mulberry leaves are among the basic resources.
Silk worms are raised in trays in temperature-controlled, humid environments, and are fed mulberry leaves on a regular basis. Silkworms eventually transform themselves into cocoons. These cocoons are created by wrapping a single thread of material secreted by the pupa around itself for protection. When these strands stiffen, they form silk. The filaments are then unwound by boiling them in water to dissolve the glue that keeps them together before reeling. Prior to weaving, raw silk is cooked in water to remove any leftover gum, then colored and bleached before being woven.

Market analysis
The Demand for Silk Yarn is assured on foreign market. The Scale of Investment



Production is assumed for 312 days per year.
Depreciation assumes 4 year life of assets written off at 25% per year for all assets.
A production Month is assumed to have 26 day


Source of Supply of Equipment and Raw materials
The necessary Equipment and Raw materials can be sourced locally

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