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This company concept is for the construction of a night parking lot. A night parking lot is a location where vehicles can be left overnight. Its market is governed by the availability of vehicles and the lack of parking areas in the location where it is built. Parking lots might be tarred, concrete, pavers, gravel, or murram. The business plan envisions packing capacity for 1,200 vehicles per month, for a total of 14,400 vehicles per year. The income potential is anticipated to be $ 1,250 per month, or $ 15,000 per year with a 10% sales margin; the total capital cost for the project is $ 890.

Plant Capacity
The parking ground is expected to accommodate 50cars daily through out the month both day and night. 

Technology and the Manufacturing Process
All you need is some ground with a fence or a wall around it. A guard is also required to safeguard the safety of the cars. As an added security measure, you can install monitoring cameras and automatic alarm bells. The number of units that can be accommodated is determined on the size of the parking.

Market study 

The demand for night parking facilities is very significant, particularly in urban areas, and there are numerous established night parking centers around the country.

Capital Investment 

Requirements Operating Expenses

Project Production Costs and Price Structure in US$


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