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This business plan focuses on drying green pepper. Both rural and urban areas use pepper frequently in their culinary preparations.
In addition to giving food flavor, pepper increases the release of stomach juices and has therapeutic benefits. Every family needs green peppers, thus dehydrating them has a significant market potential in both urban and rural places. It is advised for one to enter the market to provide supermarket chains, grocery and retail stores, restaurants, hotels, and tourist attractions, among others. The company's plan calls for producing 150 kg of green pepper every day, or 46,800 kg a year. The potential income is thought to be 327,600 dollars annually. 2,946 dollars are the total capital outlay for the project.

Production potential
The planned factory is anticipated to have a daily minimum capacity of 150kg.

Description of the technology and processes
Boilers, kettles, and dryers are the tools that are used. De-stalked and cleaned green peppers that have been harvested at their peak maturity. The berries are heated, then chemically treated, and then carefully dried. The dried product is next cleaned, graded, and packaged for marketing in polythene or gunny bags. 

Market Research
Dehydrated Green pepper has a long shelf life, which raises demand for it on the domestic and international markets. Almost all races enjoy green peppers.



Production is assumed for 312 days per year.
Depreciation assumes 4 year life of assets written off at 25% per year for all assets.
A production Month is assumed to have 26 days

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