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Keep learning

Lots of rich people, like Bill Gates love to read a lot

They always try to learn new things to stay up to date on the newest developments 


Rich people like to be friends with other smart and successful people.

By connecting with the right people. You open yourself up to life-changing opportunities 

Set goals and follow it

Rich people have big and small dreams they want to reach.

They think about these dreams, make plans, connections and work hard to make them came true

Stay focused

To become rich, you need to work hard and stay on track

Many rich people have morning and evening routines that help them stay focused and efficient

Be smart with money

It’s not just about earning money, but also saving and growing it.

Rich people often ask for advice on how to use and invest their money best 

Calculated risk

Not all rich people take big risk, but they do think hard making big decisions.

If they make a mistake they learn from it and try again

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