Intro Posts Slider


  1. If you’re compulsive about it, don’t do it. Figure out how to wrap your world around what you love
  2. People don’t care what you do. They care what you do for them
  3. 99% of human live below 9% of their potential
  4. Different is better that better
  5. To stop caring what they think, stop thinking that they care
  6. There is a gap in reality for you to make magic. The hard work is finding it, not filling it
  7. If you can’t decide, you already know
  8. Persistence beats luck. Don’t study the lottery, study those who built their own game, for decade with brute force
  9. Put yourself in places you don’t belong, and one day you’ll end up where you want to be
  10. The most people don’t need advice. They need one human to believe in them
  11. Hard work makes it looks easy
  12. Don’t consume ‘self-help’ without helping yourself

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