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This business idea is aimed at setting up a Chicken Hatchery. The idea is premised on hatching eggs for layers and broilers for both local and hybrid birds. The business will be hatching 38,000 chicks per month which translates into 456,000 chicks per year. The revenue potential is estimated at US$ 33, 900 per month which translates into 406,800 per year. The business has a good market demand throughout the year and can provide employment to the youths and women. The production capacity is hatchery of 38,000 eggs. The project cost is US$ 89,250

Process Description 

Eggs are collected and inserted into the Incubator for 18 days. The eggs are then transferred into a Hatchery for 3 days to hatch. 

Market Analysis 

The business has a great market demand both in rural and urban areas throughout the year. Market for the Hatched chicks comes from poultry farmers across the country and beyond borders

Production assumed 21 days in a month with a capacity of 38,000 eggs per press. 

Depreciation (fixed assets write off) assumes 4 years life of assets write off of 25% per year. 

Direct costs include: materials, supplies and other costs that directly go into production of the product. 

Source of Equipment and Rawmaterials Equipments can be purchased from the local market and may be imported from Europe, India, South Africa and China. Eggs are generated from the parent stock and imported. 

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