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  1. Never shake a hand sitting down
2. Protect who is behind you and respect who is beside you
3. Never insult the cooking when you are the guest
4. Never eat the last piece of something you didn’t buy.
5. Never make the first offer in a negotiation
6. Don’t take credit for work you didn’t do
7. Take blame, and give credit when due
8. If you are not invited, don’t ask to go
9. Always aim for the head
10. Don’t beg for a relationship
11. Dress well no matter what the occasion
12. Always carry cash
13. Listen, nod and most of all make eye contact
14. Show restraint in expressing anger, no matter what. Being angry is a waste of energy
15. Weather is dinner, drink or both avoid placing your phone on the dinner table
16. Never pose with alcohol

17. Proper grammar will get you far in life. Leave the foul language for the less educated.
18. Ask more than you answer
19. You can tell a great deal about a person by their handshake, so make your strong and firm
20. Speak honestly. Say what you mean and mean what you say

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