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Many people in the country make extensive use of cosmetic goods.
If cosmetic products are of high quality, they can attract a large customer base. When an anticipated fixed cost of US$ 15,264 is invested in the project, it can generate an expected income of US$ 281,190 in the first year of operation.

Plant Capacity
The idea envisages production of 60,000 units annually

Production Methodology
The technology and technique are straightforward. A mixer is used to combine crude petroleum jelly and lubricating oils. The mixture is then heated in a boiler until it melts. Perfumed components are added and mixed with the boiling jelly while being churned by a mixer. The well mixed liquid jelly is then transferred to a chilling container to cool at a temperature of around 400°C before being packaged in the appropriate packing containers.

Market analysis
The market for cosmetics widely exists in the Country. Producing different brands may increase the sales revenue: 




Production is assumed for 312 days per year.
Depreciation assumes 4 year life of assets written off at 25% per year for
all assets.
A production Month is assumed to have 26 days


Source of Supply of Equipment and Rawmaterials
Equipments and Rawmaterials can be imported from Japan, Asia
and Malaysia

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