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This venture will manufacture cotton socks. Socks are a type of footwear. They aid in absorbing perspiration and directing it to locations where air can evaporatively evaporate the precipitation.
Males and females of all ages, including children and adults, wear socks. The company's plan calls for producing 78,000 pairs of socks a year. With a total capital investment of US$17,017, the yearly income potential is anticipated to be US$624,000.

Size of the Plant
Depending on the number and type of machines being used as well as the kind of socks being made, the production capacity will vary greatly. But this job description calls for the daily production of 250 pairs of socks.


Production Process

1. Knitwear
On the knitting machines, raw materials are knit in accordance with the styles and shades of socks you plan to manufacture. The different threads were then stitched together into a sequence of interlocking loops using several needles. The woven tube that is used to make socks is made up of these loops.

2. Cutting
The various parts are then examined for flaws by being turned inside out. An automatic sewing machine is then used to finish the production phase of the process by forming the toe of the sock from the qualified semi-formed socks.

3. Setting
The socks are placed on boarding machines for setting the sock right side out.

4. Examining and packing

The socks are checked, paired, packed, and ready after setting.

Market Analysis
Socks are a necessity to all classes of people both Adults and
Children. There are no players in this industry.




Source of Supply of Equipment and Rawmaterials

Equipments and Rawmaterials may be imported from China,
Malaysia, and Indias

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