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Because of its flavor and dietary advantages, cornflakes are one of the most popular breakfast cereals. They become a nutritious food when milk is added, and the baked corn flakes expand to form a hearty and delicious cereal. Given that adults, adolescents, and children all consume them in their final days they have a significant commercial potential. The goal of this business plan is to produce 700 kg of cornflakes every day. At a 10% sales margin, the estimated annual earnings potential is $655,200. The project's initial capital investment cost is $28,613

 Manufacturing Process

Air classifiers are used to clean maize grains, and mesh screen separators are then used to separate the large grains from the small grains. After that, the grains are polished and ground to get rid of the bran and germ. Milled grains are cooked in a rotary steam cooker with sugar, malt, salt, and water-based flavor syrups. The little grains are separated after the grain fragments have been rinsed. In order to lower the moisture content of the grains to the appropriate level of roughly 20%, the grains are next transported through an agitator pump or lump breaker before being dispatched to a steamer. After that, the dried material is placed in a demoisturizing tank for a few hours so that moisture can be spread evenly. The grits (cooked material) are then thoroughly cleaned once again before being sent into a large flaking machine, where they are pressed into flakes. The flakes are then instantly moved to a rotating oven to roast. The flakes are examined, screened, and graded after roasting to get rid of the standard flakes. The flakes are then placed in waxed paper-lined polythene containers that can withstand water.

Market Analysis
Cornflakes are a popular Cereal which is stocked by a big portion of the middle and affluent classes of people. Cornflakes are mostly sold in supermarkets, Wholesale and Retail shop



Production is assumed for 312 days per year.
Depreciation assumes 5 year life of assets written off at 20% per year for all assets.A production Month is assumed to have 26 work days

All the best in your struggles


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