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The business idea is for the production of and marketing of cement bricks. Bricks are the basic requirement for any construction activity. They are prepared with the help of mud, clay or cement. Bricks made of cement are hallow and solid hence the great acceptance in the market because of their strength. For such an investment, one needs to have at least a small piece of land of about ½ Acre that can be either rented or owned. The idea envisaged is for production of 26,000 blocks per month and 312,000 per year. The revenue potential is estimated US $218,400 per year with total investment of US $12,011

Process description and production capacity

Cement, sand, stone chips, stone dust and rods are mixed in suitable proportions along with water. This concrete mix is placed in metal or wood molds. For reinforcement, wire mesh or rods are placed between successive layers of Concrete mix and compacted by vibration. The cast items are kept for a day to set. Then they are cured in a water tank for 15 days for complete setting.



Production and Operating Costs

This business idea is premised on production of 1,000 blocks per day. A producer needs 500kg of cement, 1,500kg of stone dust and 4,000kg of sand that adds up to 6,000kg per day.



Ratio=1:3:8, that is cement, stone dust and sand respectively (kg) and each dried block
weighs 6kg


Market Analysis

The demand for cement bricks is high in construction and housing companies. This industry has registered a big number of investors 

Sources of Raw Materials and Equipment

Raw materials can be locally sourced and equipment can be
fabricated locally


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